
Video & Multimedia

Spirited [Photo Story]

Moving In [Photo Story]


Video & Multimedia

Video about the Girls Rock! DC summer camp, from the perspective of the girls who attend. [Videographer & Editor]

"On Stage: Girls Rock! DC"


Video on the patron experience at Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts in Vienna, VA. [Videographer & Editor]


Video about the 22nd annual Louisiana Swamp Romp Festival at Wolf Trap in Vienna, VA. [Videographer & Editor]


Willem de Looper & The Washington Color School [Videographer & Editor]


Video about the 35th annual Marine Corps Marathon in Arlington, VA. [Videographer & Editor]


Video about the Art on the Avenue festival in Alexandria, VA. [Videographer & Editor]


“And/Or”: Series about queer people of color. [Videographer & Editor]


Story on the Appleseed Project, a heritage and marksmanship group. [Videographer & Editor]